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I will marry myself, first:
Marriage and Misogyny

In Power by Nicole Anozie

As an Igbo woman living in Canada, I have experienced a fusion of cultures. This means that while I do understand the values held within Igbo marriages, I have also come to see what marriages in this part of the world look like. This piece will contrast Igbo and Candian marriages to explore how power works within them.

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Leading by Example:
The Unique Leadership of Muslim African Women

In Power by Rika Mpogazi

Muslim African women, lead by example. They rally the troops, cultivate awareness and inspire generations. They do not need to declare their presence and showcase their battle scars to command authority. In fact, most often, their sole objective isn’t to become warriors of a cause or the face of a movement.

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When The Monuments Fall

In Power by Bayley Esteves

The act of removing the monument universally stands for the refusal to accept that colonial forces shall continue to define our present and future. The perpetuation of racism and oppression is no longer an option. By keeping these monuments in public parks or in front of government buildings, they validate and normalize the atrocities these generals, emperors and governors inflicted on human lives.

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Hope in Medicine

In Health and Healing by Iku Nwosu

I would like you to meet my grandfather, Dr. Elijah Emezie. He was a loved physician and Senator in Nigeria. He started a hospital and rural practice for his relatively poor community, and worked there as Chief Medical Director at St. Luke’s Hospital in Orlu, Imo State. In 1989, my grandfather gave a valedictory address to the graduating class of …

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A genealogy of healing

In Health and Healing by Tšhegofatšo Ndaban

The last day at my childhood church—after many years of youth camps, prayer groups and participation in outreach programmes—I meet with my pastor at the end of the service to tell her I am leaving.

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Sobodu’s Anatomy:
An ode to Black Healers

In Health and Healing by Ola Sobodu

I can imagine a world with no pilots, with no TV producers, with no presidents or prime ministers. But I can not imagine a world without doctors, without healers. Healing has to be one of those things that humans had to figure out very early in our evolution. So when I think about medicine, and being a doctor, I am in awe, that I am on the path to practicing a profession that is as old as humans. Am I even worthy to aspire to this vocation?