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Difficult love and camaraderie:
Representing sapphic sexualities in African cultures

In Matrimony by Azza

I’d often wonder if African peoples from before they were colonized had more comprehensive concepts of what constitutes a person, and how they understood romantic and sexual encounters between people. I wonder if by revisiting some of these concepts and reintroducing them, we can build a bridge to better care for, and respect queer Africans. Indegious african perspectives on sexuality are desirable, but not necessary to guarantee the dignity of members of our community.

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The secret lives of commotion:
We revisit "Fuji House of Commotion' and 'The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives"

In Matrimony by Omobola Olarewaju

In Yoruba tradition, it was acceptable for a man to bring in a second, third, even fourth wife, as long as they all respected the women that came before them. As my age group grew older and more exposed to the larger world, we began to discuss these traditions, sorting out the ones that worked for us and the ones that did not.

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When do you pop the question ?

In Matrimony by Ebbasa Dugasa

As a child, I would sit on our living room couch for hours listening to my father tell stories from back home. Despite being miles away from Oromia, he carried their oral storytelling traditions with him. It was through these stories I was first introduced to the rich and complex history and culture of my people. For centuries storytelling served …

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My Great-Grandmother married her Husband’s Brother.

In Matrimony by Odogwu Ibezimako

In a society with no social insurance checks and no modern medicine, your family was not just your labour force. Your family was your healthcare system, your emergency response unit, and your primary caregiver. Polygamy promised safety. Everyone had a family, and every family protected their own.

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Good family:
Who is worthy of love ?

In Matrimony by Odogwu Ibezimako

Marriage is not about marriage – it is about power. It is about who is considered valuable, and what human interactions are sanctioned by society. This is what I am going to discuss here—value systems that are upheld and reproduced through marriage rituals.

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Jumping the Broom and the Black Power Movement

In Matrimony by Deborah Mebude

When any couple ties the knot, they bring together long-standing traditions with at times convoluted histories, not unlike that of jumping the broom. Ultimately, wedding customs exist to accent the joining of families and the declaration of mutual love and fidelity.

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Diplomatic relations.

In Matrimony by Mohamed Sheikh Sidow

There is a good story, the Law of the Grazing Field by Cyprian Ekwensi , and in this story a woman and her groom run away to get married because they might not be permitted to marry in their homes. This also happens traditionally in Somalia. If you are closer than 80km away from the girl’s parents, without their permission, you can not marry.

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Does Lobolo (Bride-Price) diminish the status of women? It’s complicated:
What bride price says, and doesn’t say about marriage, power, and gender

In Matrimony by Odogwu Ibezimako

Bride price, sometimes called bridewealth, often understood as “purchase money” was regarded as incompatible with British legal jurisprudence and colonial Christian traditions. It became an obstacle to the legal recognition of indigenous marriage practices.  Contemporary feminists consider the practice to be inherently anti-feminist and a relic of the pas that upholds traditional patriarchal norms. In some ways, they are correct, …