Types of People at a Habesha wedding

In Editor's Pick, Matrimony by Makida Yohannes

The shy girl: She is steady in the kitchen during genfo/ge’at when  the other girls are dancing and showing off their outfits . Maybe she hits the dance floor after her friends force her out. She is every mother’s dream girl for their son!

Baddy you want to marry

The guy nobody knows: He is just here for the food ! He causes lot of confusion as to whose family he belongs to when the bride and groom watch the wedding videos!

The uncle: He comes all the way from the kifle hager to lead the bride and groom into the reception playing embilta. He is an excellent dancer !

The rich aunt touched by Marzel: Elegant and beautiful. Foreshadowing a season of drought in my life – she makes it rain ! Bless her heart !

The kebero hogger: Touch her kebero and you got another thing coming. Lives and breathes for the dance. Does she even eat at the wedding?

Three Hours later