Why Fante is the most romantic language in the world?

In Language by Amandzeba Nat Brew

Dear reader,

I am of the hope that, by the end of this exercise, you would appreciate a great deal, my presentation of the various perspectives relative to the subject matter, and in conclusion, rightly agree that indeed, Mfantse (Fante), is the most romantic Ghanaian language, therefore, the most romantic language in the world.

Having arrived at this does not suggest in any way that the remaining languages aren’t romantic. As a matter of fact, this exercise has been keenly and fairly contested. In fact, the tonal nature of all Ghanaian languages are astonishingly musical, and that adds to the romantic nature of our beloved languages. The nature of my profession offers me the opportunity to belong to all Tribes in Ghana, in other words, I am Intertribal. In this letter, I have considered many factors, including the musicality of the languages, symbolic proverb, and the moonlight.

Ghana speaks more than eighty languages, so for one to assert objectively how romantic one language is over the others is no mean task. Contesting closely are languages such as Ga, ƐwƐ, Dagbani, Twi amongst other Ghanaian languages. The enlisted languages above and the others which make up a hundred languages arguably can state a claim of how romantic their languages are too. Still, the fact that theirs are not widely and frequently spoken diminishes their chances. However, most Tribes in Ghana really admire the Fante language and validate this claim.

Fante is a branch of the Akan family tree, it is also the name of the language spoken by the Fante tribe. The general Fante character and mannerisms are founded on a solid cultured language which ensures fluid communication, to the admiration of the largest majority of Ghanaians in particular, and some West Africans in general. The euphemisms that characterize most Ghanaian languages in conversations and communication are more prevalent in Fante than any other.

A few examples; there are more than three different names for lady .“Akatesia” …Lady, literally meaning covered and concealed…a lady is supposed to attire decently, but not flaunt her endowments. Other names are; “Me Ewuraba”, “Maa Abroba”, “Maa Akyereba” … All these are very decent terms for a lady without the slightest hint of derogatory undertones. Here are a few examples of intimate idiomatic expressions further reinforcing Fante’s position as the most desired and admired; “Yaa yƐdua beenuii yaa yƐ be’nii, yen twowƐ’ ”…literally, we are two trees close to each other let’s rub against each other. In other words, let’s get intimate, just two of us. These few examples among numerous others are the factors that reinforce the notion that Fante, as a language, is exquisite and romantic.

In my subsequent submission, I shall endeavour to offer a detailed exposition on the subject matter, possibly with relevant data.
In fact, the tonal nature of all Ghanaian Languages are astonishingly musical, and that adds to the romantic nature of Our beloved languages. A little tonic sol-fa illustration will suffice in demonstrating clearly how musical Our language tones are formed. A few examples are;
I’ll be back…in Fante (Mfantse) We say…Mere k Ɔ maa ba…. Sol-fa… f – ta: r – r: f.
In ƐwƐ we say; MƐ yi nava… Sol fa… f: f: f: S.
In Ga We say; Min ya ma ba…Sol-fa… f: r-r-d.

These are just a few illustrations, I could go on further to prove that even when we speak, it’s music and music is predominantly about romance!

Undoubtedly everyone, irrespective of our tribal or national background, knows that there is no romance without music. The knowledge of “music being the food of love” is very apparent in the Fante community.

There is no value derived from the moonlit night at the sea or countryside without romance…. the story telling time, by the fireside. The intimate whispers of amorous words. Some poetry, some rhymes. Others are strings of incoherent meaningless whispering words, understood only by the willing and expectant hearts. When Fante is spoken, the moonlight invigorates all active love birds, those making their first flight and veterans alike. Those making amends or breaking up, all in the glare of the moonlit beautiful blackish-green grass… the effects of the moonlight. This atmosphere is highly adored and relished.

Now let me at this juncture, set the stage for the enactment of the grand finale of Fante episode. The Fante language is also the preferred language of communication in the Arts generally, even though Twi is widely spoken. I personally have lost count of the number of artists asking me most often to teach them how to speak Fante. The Ghanaian Theatre has over the last five decades predominantly featured Actors and Actresses of Fante descent, such as international comedians such as Lord Bob Cole, the iconic Ghanaian comedian who took live comedy to Nigeria in the very early sixties! We should not be oblivious of African film production, pioneered by the Ghanaian and African Giant Kwaw Ansah. I’d wish to extend an invitation to any reader with interest to experience Fante, come to Ghana, do not be wary of strangers. Where there’s blood, there’s bound to be a sister and a brother.